Friday, December 4, 2015
Fashionpreneurs Programme- Make Money where you are.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
The Fashion School Just For You - IBADANCITY FASHION COLLEGE
There is more to learn fashion and it's related courses. Sewing is just a part of the whole process.
IBADANCITY FASHION COLLEGE, started out few years ago under the name DGV FASHION ACADEMY. Now its a brand new game and they are not slowing down in any way.
The introduction of the new design techniques is putting the Fashion institute on a game ahead of others. As a standard Fashion College, studies here is a totally different package. Lectures are not toyed with, as each student is well taken through the depths of the fashion business both in theories and Practicals.
Located at Iyalode crescent, Stadium Estate. Ring road. Ibadan. Oyo State. Nigeria. (Follow the tarred road opposite Chicken Republic / KFC ring road, Ibadan. ▶ the landmarks are there to lead you to the school. )
IBADANCITY FASHION COLLEGE is a government approved Fashion Technical College. If your desire is to learn fashion the right way, (or you seek to learn more outside the country). IbadanCity Fashion College is just the place for you.
For more information and Enquiries call + 2348099012555 . +2348081067070
follow us on Instagram @Dgvstyles Twitter @dgvstyles. Like our Facebook Page - IBADANCITY FASHION COLLEGE.
Thursday, August 6, 2015
A peek into the week at IBCFC ✂️✂️✂️

My Watch taught me a lesson
I had a small battle with my wristwatch and very funny, it taught me a small but vital lesson. Maybe because I have that habit of trying to get a message from any little thing, a bit quirky...yeah I know right...
I decided to flex small and use my new wristwatch, trying to get the right hole for the watch I discovered that the one that would fit my small wrist was the very one that decided not to have a hole, 'manufacturers error?' , I thought this person must be wicked, why this hole and all others are through...... fighting myself whether to put the watch down till another day and postpone my flex 'jare,' or to sort it.... I put the watch back. But a part of me wanted to just launch my new gift, so I decided to look for a way to punch it myself, if I don't do it now, one day I'll eventually have to. So let the day be that day....
I stepped out into my Tailor's tool box (which has the funniest tool you can ever imagine a tailor could have. ) I got a large size needle and got my soft muscles ready to punch this hole with all the super power I have 💪💪. By the time I hit the hole, the poor thing gave way without any stress I envisaged. I paused and wondered,............ many times have I given up on a situation that seemed huge not knowing it's just a minor hurdle. How many times have you and I tried giving up on a seemingly difficult situation just because we didnt want to take our chances. Once in a while, we need to just look a bit deeper and try just a little more. What We thought is a mountain, just could be a molehill.
Giving up too soon when things don't go our way is often the norm, if only we just hold on a little longer, the ugly caterpillar is on its way to becoming a beautiful butterfly.
Don't give up on that small trial, I could have just given up and probably given the watch to someone with bigger wrist thinking it would never size me. (No harm in giving out) but I would have given it out because I gave up on it not because I wanted to give it truly.
Small silly story, but it sure left a good lesson for me and I hope you get something from it too.
Keep holding on..... never give up because God doesn't give up on us easily. Believe you can and yes you will!
Monday, July 13, 2015
Change of address. DGV FASHION ACADEMY
This is to notify the general public that DGV FASHION ACADEMY and DGVSTYLES is no longer inside D'Rovans ( Walan Hotel ) ibadan.
For us , it's a new dawn and new beginning of greater steps.
The school will be back to work on Monday 20th July 2015. All Re-branded, Repackaged. New courses. New Teams on Board. All things New and a special surprise coming with it. You don't want to miss this. If you have been dreaming of following your passion for fashion study. I tell you, the time is now.
The new arrangements has a space for you.
Details and Address coming this week.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Look Around And See...
We walk around, we see many things . What cues do we take from them? I manage or try to learn or gain at least a lesson from things I see around. Knowing that life always has a message to pass across to anyone who cares to listen or hear.
If we wait till we have troubles before seeking solutions, we may be in for shockers. Knowing that in that time of trouble, our hearts are desperate to hear only what we want to hear; truth at such times becomes hard and difficult to face. But when you are well prepared for it, when it comes , it's nothing, cos you already have a backing.
Set your mind right and see lessons even as you move on with your daily routine. Let life speak and be diligent enough to hear and understand : In it lies your power - be well prepared , Know that the well prepared warrior is the one that appears to be the Hero always. No secret to it, He is ever-ready and thus the battle seems easier.
Prepare yourself for what life will bring, be set to turn around every negative situation to a positive climb. You are stronger than you think.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Beyond Sewing, Cutting. ... there's more to The Fashion School you need....
Tailored to meet everyone at a good spot on their skill-need list. We have tips to help you discover other areas outside sewing and cutting or designing garments. Not everyone is wired to sew for others, that passion to handle the machine could be used differently and make you stand out uniquely.
Certified to reach and teach each student the way it will suit individual differences and desires. DGV FASHION ACADEMY, the Government Approved and Certified Fashion College in Ibadan. 08081067070.
Are you awaiting Youth Service or Admission to higher institution? Invest the time you have now. It will pay off well.
Facebook - DGVSTYLES & DGV Fashion Academy
Twitter / Instagram @Dgvstyles
Admissions On.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
A Reason to Consider learning a Skill.- The Fear of Job Insecurity
An Observer's Point of View.....
The week went pretty well at DGV Fashion Academy. Everybody facing their classes. Each student here have different projects to handle. No matter how similar the projects look, their individuality was required as a major input. No 2 jobs should look alike.... A good one for aspiring Fashion designers I will say.....
I observed that everyone had, and knew what to do at every point in time. Some needed little help from an Assistant Instructor, some were doing well and the Principal Instructor only had to highlight one or two things to them to keep their projects on track.
The instructors and the students all seem very busy all the time. Let's say, no idle moment here. I observed, if you want to play, or catch fun, or while away your time, don't bother coming here. The Principal Instructor frowns seriously at idleness or any form of laziness. "Iron Lady I call her in whispers"
I also observed that everyone including the Instructors has a somewhat special bonding, they talk like friends even in the midst of the hard work and good discipline. They always have fun moments.
The students here cut across different age groups, the teenagers, the youths and the "grown Youths or say Adults" and they all bond so well. (Double thumbs up)
I noticed that the school runs a flexible time table for the Working class students, some came after work and some came to classes during their break and weekends. This is a good pointer. As I had a chat with one of the working class student who gave the reason for enrollment at DGV Fashion Academy as a means of securing tomorrow, nobody knows what the job employers can come up with anytime...... good point....
The school is registered and government approved. By all standards, I rate the school well. Thinking of a fashion school in Ibadan? Then Think DGV FASHION ACADEMY. It is really a place to be .
...... I will conclude my observations in the concluding part. ....
Thanks to the school for having me around. ... I totally enjoyed the experience. (To be continued. .....)
I am Mr A.. 😎
Facebook/ Instagram/ Twitter - search for DGVSTYLES.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
We Love 'em Our Men.... Stylish...
I just thought this morning that I do more of ladies talk and personally, I love men's fashion. Maybe because my male clients have been the best thus far. Less stress, they appreciate every little extra touch of oomph on their outfits. Menswear tickles my fancy personally, likewise my male students tend to be creative and settled. Their focus is straight and sharp.
So I'll take a little time out with men today. We like our men as ' Hot Steppers'. Never take for granted the power of looking dapper. It gives you that audience even before you say a word.
Respect is birthed when you appear and catch all attention. Generally, men take dressing for granted, I wish they knew what a 'power-dresser' guy does to people around him. Before he speaks, people have heard. When your dressing commands respect, what more do you have to say.
You may not be taken seriously, depending on how you dress or look. If you're keeping 'em beards, keep it well groomed. Even with the paunch, dress to kill, some ladies fall for it you know *winks*. You don't have to pack all the 6 packs before you get attention. Eyes are not only out for the ladies, we look out for our men too. We want them to care just a little more about appearance and fashion. A well dressed man gat our eyes always. 😍😎👔👞
Monday, April 27, 2015
Wake up And Smell The Roses
Morning to me is not necessarily that time 'in the morning', when you wake up and get off the bed after long hours of sleep. Morning is when you wake up to the reality of life. That time when you wake and see life the exact way it is. That day you finally see and know why You are here. That moment you see the purpose of your living. To me, that is morning.
Many of us sleep through life, we take things easy , we enjoy the moments and our comfort zones, until the day reality jerks us up and we get startled , seeing things exactly the way they appear.
Maybe too late. Maybe early enough. Maybe early enough to make amends and necessary changes. Maybe too late to go back? But I know one thing for sure. While there is life, hope abounds. The fact that you have breath says you have that chance to kick off your 'Day' from any moment.
The chance you have today is not because you earned it, it is because God chose to give you that Grace to still make it happen. The dream is a part of your purpose. Come out strong and make it work. Your world, the world where God has created you to dominate and rule earnestly awaits your manifestation.
Waiting for the right time?..... It may never come. The weather won't always be right. You have to take the bulls by the horn and choose to MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Slowly But Surely
The Rush to make it. ... the Rush to be like Mr A or Mrs B or Ms X...... the anxiety to have something like what they have...... is so strong these days that many youths are missing out on the importance of 'Living The Dream'.
Every dream, every vision requires Time. Time to grow, time to bud, time to blossom. So many start out every journey with a great zeal that can light up a city, but on the way, certain factors creep in and events change. Distraction steals the show and the vision changes.
You can never get to the land of achievement when you walk in haste. Slowly but surely if you face your game. The role model you're looking at didn't get up that ladder in one day. If you could get chanced to hear some stories, you may end up not praying for their kind of journey.
While on your own journey to Greatness, follow your own path, that's the only way that leads to your success story.
Rome wasn't built in one day, allow Events, Nature and Life play their cause. It may be slow, just keep walking, keep moving.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Giving is no doubt one salutary act we all need to engage in. Givers never lack, we all hear.
I sit and ponder over all these and i discover many of us fail our bodies, soul and Self to this cliché. Yes we should give, but at what cost or costs?
Religion makes it worse sometimes, I have no hesitation to Giving; based on our religious beliefs, but where I ask questions is do we give at the detriment of some crucial and important things. I've met people who'd give religiously before seeing to their home front needs. "Faith" we call it.... hmm.... not bad.
How many of us take out that 'Me--Time' and give quality time and gifts to ourselves? I am as well guilty of this, and I know many of us are. You have time for the kids, time for In-laws, time for religion, time for work and more, but that time for ourselves seem out of view.
Isn't this why fulfillment is far from our souls sometimes. We have a lot and seek for more like Zacheaus; people see you a little less than what exactly you are.
Self discovery is the starting point. When you give, before and after you give, start determining to give yourself a little 'something' , no matter how small.
Let's learn to spoil ourselves a little, just a little. The people we give a lot and most of our time, things, emotions etc to are actually doing more self pampering than we know sometimes.
One of what makes us better individuals is self satisfaction, when you are happy with yourself, you will most definitely be happy with others and life as a whole .
If you don't have it, you can't give it.... What's not in you can't come out of you.
Give give but give to yourself too.....
Get a 'me-time' and look within to be better without.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
It's a new package and new offers. We have been leading the pace for over 4 years, and now we have added more colours to make it a better package all together, giving our students the best we can.
Maintaining the leading stage in Fashion training in Oyo State has not been easy but because that's the vision, there's no stopping us.
Read more about this in the link below
Or visit
We are inside D'Rovans hotel ( Walan Hotel ) Ring Road Ibadan, Oyo State. Nigeria. BBM 7FF36477. 08081067070.