Saturday, May 4, 2013

The wonders of Skill.

Its always amazing knowing and realizing that no one Is empty. Every one of us has a talent. The only difference is while some are developing theirs, others are leaving it unattended to........
Being an instructor in DGV Fashion Academy is a lesson for me every single day, especially seeing people who came with little or no drive becoming class leaders full of resounding creativity. ..........
And the ambience is a plus to any ready mind......what more makes you learn like having the correct type of brains and positive minds around you.....And what makes someone like me happier than being in d midst of these people.......
Class daily drama is enough to make you laugh till tears drop and your belly aches.....LOL!!!
Different class character, each set with its own drama kings and drama queens. .......
hmmm if I'm not doing this, I wouldn't have been fulfilled. Staying in your Call and line is the best way you can live a fulfilled life.

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