Sunday, July 6, 2014

Make summer count. Learn a skill at the best Fashion School in town

We all have been looking forward to the long breaks. Especially mums and students. That time we all get to spread those wings and have fun.
Well, like its said, time wasted can never be regained. Why not use this break to do something you will be ever grateful for.
DGV Fashion Academy, situated in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, is the Fashion School that has all you need and want to learn in the fashion world.
Fashion designing, fashion styling, craft works, Entrepreneurship Classes, Building a Fashion Label, loads more. ......
Check us out today and let's roll the summer time well together
We're inside D'Rovans hotel(Walan Hotel) premises, Ring road Ibadan. OYO STATE. Nigeria.
ff on twitter/instagram @Dgvstyles
Facebook- Dgvstyles & DGV Fashion Academy
BBM 7E3F8636 BB Channel C0042E074.
Admissions on. ....

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