Friday, February 13, 2015


Giving is no doubt one salutary act we all need to engage in. Givers never lack, we all hear. 
I sit and ponder over all these and i discover many of us fail our bodies, soul and Self to this cliché. Yes we should give, but at what cost or costs?
     Religion makes it worse sometimes, I have no hesitation to Giving; based on our religious beliefs, but where I ask questions is do we give at the detriment of some crucial and important things. I've met people who'd give religiously before seeing to their home front needs. "Faith" we call it.... hmm.... not bad.
    How many of us take out that 'Me--Time' and give quality time and gifts to ourselves?  I am as well guilty of this,  and I know many of us are. You have time for the kids, time for In-laws, time for religion, time for work and more, but that time for ourselves seem out of view.
        Isn't this why fulfillment is far from our souls  sometimes. We have a lot and seek for more like Zacheaus; people see you a little less than what exactly you are.
  Self discovery is the starting point. When you give,  before and after you give, start determining to give yourself a little 'something' , no matter how small.
Let's learn to spoil ourselves a little,  just a little. The people we give a lot and most of our time, things, emotions etc to are actually doing more self pampering than we know sometimes.
One of what makes us better individuals is self satisfaction, when you are happy with yourself, you will most definitely be happy with others and life as a whole .
If you don't have it, you can't give it.... What's not in you can't come out of you.
Give give but give to yourself too.....
Get a 'me-time' and look within to be better without

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